Livia Galli-Atkinson |
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Livia Galli Atkinson
At 6.55 pm on January 12 1998, our daughter Livia,16, left home to walk 800 yards to her ballet school, along pavements she knew well in Enfield, Middx. By 7.05 pm she lay dying of massive head injuries on the pavement at Windmill Hill, just 40 yards from her school. She had been hit and dragged to her death by a motorist who mounted the pavement and did not stop. (see details of the case: R Vs Sehgal) a unanimous jury found him guilty of death by dangerous driving but the Judge went behind the Jury's findings and merely fined him. We say this is not acceptable. Life is precious and there is no justification for excuses when the evidence is proven.
This is taken from the Site devoted to Livia. If you want to read more of her harrowing and tragic story you may go to the site by clicking here
I would like to thank Livia's parents, George and Giullietta, for giving me permission to use the photo and text above and to Tony Hooper who designed and maintains Livia's site.
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