Harefield Tenants & Residents Association |
Tenant and resident associations enable local people to have a say on their own environment. They have a constitution and abide by rules laid down when they were set up. The committee is elected on a regular basis and meetings are held when the other tenants and residents may attend. Wendy Rice-Morley, Chair My name is Wendy Rice-Morley, I am a resident of Harefield and have been for the last 23 years. I am a director and vice-chair of the village forum group, a committee member of the residents association and also was previously a school governor for eight years and a chair for five at John Penrose secondary school. I am now a governor of the new Harefield Academy with responsibilities for setting up a community steering group and various committees within the school. We are trying to encourage the village residents to become more involved with activities within the school and give us ideas of what they would like to see provided for them in the way of clubs, evening classes, and general activities in the future within the new complex. I also work in the jobcentre plus office in Uxbridge and use information and knowledge gained there to help people of the village get back into work and have links with the colleges, and the local authority and several useful agencies. Networking is extremely important I feel and working together, exchanging ideas and using each other’s expertise is essential to get the results and objectives we set ourselves. Contact: rice-morley@supanet.com Other contacts:
John McKenna
Ed Moses