Health Visitors at Harefield Health Centre |
The health visitors are based at the Health Centre alongside the GPs in Harefield. We work closely with you and your family to help you lead as healthy a life as possible. We can offer advice and support in a variety of settings. We are happy to visit you at home, in the clinic and offer support over the telephone. While we focus on the pre-school child, we are also here to lend a listening ear to any concerns you may have as a parent. We are contactable between 9.30am and 4.30pm Monday to Friday. Our telephone number is 01895 823956 We run a weekly baby clinic on a Wednesday morning between 9.30am and 11.30am. No appointment is needed and you can just walk in to ask any questions and weigh your baby if required. For first time mothers we run a very friendly and supportive postnatal group (please ask your Health Visitor for dates). For parents with babies under a year we run a separate group on a Tuesday afternoon from 1.30pm to 3.00pm. We are also involved in running self-esteem groups for women, parenting groups and sleep groups for your children. Please ask your Health Visitor for details.