Out of School and Holiday Projects |
EARLY YEARS AND CHILDCARE SERVICE My name is Glynis Ryan and I am the Development Adviser for the Early Years and Childcare Service. My role is to support private, maintained and voluntary provision in day care, sessional care, and childminders with my main area of responsibility being the out of school and holiday sector. The role is to support provision through their OfSTED inspections in the National Standards, raise quality through the accreditation scheme Aiming High, support sustainability, to recognise and offer high quality training to raise standards, and to model good practice. The Children’s Act 2004 and Disability Discrimination Act 2004 are an essential consideration to Providers as are the ‘5 outcomes for children’, which will be a new part of the inspection process for clubs. All 5 outcomes are identified in the National Standards in the out of school and holiday sector. As project leader for the Children Fund, ‘Holiday Projects’ my role entails supporting children deemed in need to access holiday play schemes in Hillingdon. This means working in partnership with social services, the children with disabilities team, educational welfare officers, health visitors, schools and parents. I work closely with the providers of the schemes to ensure they offer an inclusive setting and support the children and families in the holiday period. Glynis Ryan EYDCP Holiday Projects and Child Care & Early Years Development Advisor can be contacted on 01895 277180