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Building Community on the Internet
Voluntary Sector Groups

Hillingdon On-line Welcome Page

There are many voluntary sector groups in Hillingdon.

Just about anything you need help with can be found somewhere in the borough.

If you are involved in a voluntary group in Hillingdon and would like to see it listed here please email info@hillingdon.org

Search by Charity
Name or Keyword

Does your charitable group need some equipment or help? Try the Goodwill Gallery

Use the alphabet below to look through what is here.

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If you see any mistakes please email the Web Editor and corrections will be made a.s.a.p.

0 - 9

3rd Hayes Scouts

999am Radio Hillingdon



    HART - Hillingdon Aids Response Trust (01895 813874)

Air Training Corps - 1083 (Uxbridge) Squadron (01895 237144 ext 6398) Mon or Thurs

Age Concern Hillingdon Directory of services for older people

Alcohol advice

Amnesty International

Asian Befriending Scheme - Dosti (Hillingdon MIND). Contact Kiran Seth (01895 271559)

Argosy Players Drama.  We meet each Monday at 8.00pm at Ruislip Manor Sports & Social Club and at Compass Theatre on most Thursdays




Carers - see Hillingdon Carers

Childcarelink (Government website on early years education and childcare)

Children's Fund, Hillingdon

Citizens Advice Bureaux (main site)

        Hayes Office - Hayes One Stop, 49-51 Station Road, Hayes UB3 4BE
        Ruislip Office- 9 Eastcote Road, Ruislip HA4 8BD
        Uxbridge Office - Link 1a, Civic Centre, Uxbridge UB8 1UW
        Yiewsley Office - 106 High Street, Yiewsley UB7 7QJ

Com.Café 60 Byron Way, West Drayton (01895 430751) (fax 01895 470752) 

Community Transport (020 8845 5228)

Computing Clubs

    Nastug - Scout Hut, Rockingham Road, (8.15 pm, 2nd & 4th Thursday except December)

    Com.Café 60 Byron Way, West Drayton (01895 430751) (fax 01895 430752)


DASH - Disability Association Hillingdon (01895 231677)

Death by Dangerous Driving Campaign

Disabled Persons' Services:

     shopmologo.GIF (3173 bytes) Shopmobility  is the easy way for people with disabilities to shop in Uxbridge
       Community Transport (020 8845 5228)
     DASH - Disability Association Hillingdon (01895 231677)
       Hillingdon Independent Living Centre (01895 233691)


        Argosy Players We meet each Monday at 8.00pm at Ruislip Manor Sports & Social Club and at Compass Theatre on most Thursdays


Environmental Groups
National Trust, West Middlesex Volunteers


Fassnidge Memorial Trust



Heathrow Employment Advice Project

Hillingdon Autism Care and Support

Hillingdon Alcohol Advice

Hillingdon AIDS Response Trust

HAVS Easy way to find out about over 400 local charities.
Hillingdon Association of Voluntary Services
Kirk House, High Street, Yiewsley

HAYA Horn of Africa Youth Association

Hayes and Harlington Horticultural Show Association

Hayes and Harlington Operatic Society

Help the Aged

Hillingdon Carers (including Hillingdon Young Carers) Information for people who are providing care for another person who is ill or disabled

Hillingdon Community Mediation

Hillingdon Community Trust

Hillingdon Health Directory - Community Health Council's guide to health provision in Hillingdon.

Hillingdon Hospital Radio Radio Hillingdon (999am Radio Hillingdon)
Make a request or offer get well wishes to friends and family in Hillingdon Hospital
Volunteers can also make contact via the web site which has jingles and music.

Hillingdon Independent Living Centre (01895 233691)

Hillingdon Independent Wheelchair User Group HIWUG Contact Peter Kemp (01895 859820)

Hillingdon Law Centre

Hillingdon MIND Mental Health Guide

Hillingdon Pensioners

Home-Start Hillingdon - Support for families with young children. Contact Linda Trueman (01895 234207) 




Kate Fassnidge (see Fassnidge)


Law Centre, Hillingdon


Money Advice? See Citizens Advice Bureau

Mental Health

Hillingdon MIND Mental Health Guide

Redford Studios
People living in our community with, or recovering from, severe and enduring mental health problems, are actively involved in every aspect of designing, producing, marketing and selling quality stained glass table lamps.


National Trust, West Middlesex Volunteers





Radio Hillingdon

Redford Studios
People living in our community with, or recovering from, severe and enduring mental health problems, are actively involved in every aspect of designing, producing, marketing and selling quality stained glass table lamps.

Refugee Service


Refugees in Effective and Active Partnership

    Tageero - Health & Social Care Access for Refugees (020 8589 9550)

Rotaract Langley and Iver Branch

RSPCA Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

Ruislip, Northwood and Eastcote Local History Society


Samaritans 01895 253355

Scout Groups

    3rd Hayes

  shopmologo.GIF (3173 bytes) Shopmobility   is the easy way for people with disabilities to shop in Uxbridge.
Tel. 01895 271510 Fax. 01895 271117

Southlands Arts Centre
75 The Green, West Drayton, UB7 7PW


Tageero - Health & Social Care Access for Refugees (020 8589 9550)

Theatre & Theatre Groups

Argosy Players We meet each Monday at 8.00pm at Ruislip Manor Sports & Social Club and at Compass Theatre on most Thursdays

The Compass Theatre, Ickenham 


Uxbridge Centre, The
The Greenway, Uxbridge



Victim Support Hayes & West Drayton (020 8848 0960)
Victim Support Uxbridge (01895 252359)


Welfare Rights - See CAB




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