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Sweet Stuff

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Can you answer the following questions to find the commonly available chocolates and sweets

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e.g Sly Giggles | Snickers |
1 Toothless US Toughie | American Hard Gums |
2 Single piece of cereal | Flake|
3 A mutiny on it | Bounty|
4 Clever ones | Smarties|
5 Rib Loan (anagram) | Lion Bar|
6 Mother's Local | Mars Bar|
7 Star System | Galaxy|
8 They used to be black & white | Minstrels|
9 Middle Eastern Fun | Turkish Delight|
10 Road for cows in the heavens? | Milky Way|
11 Twice the height | Double Decker|
12 Quieter (quieta?) speaking | Whispa|
13 It goes before foil or plane | Aero|
14 Hear again | Echo|
15 10c drinks place | Dime Bar|
16 Snatch twice | Double Take|
17 Moth doesn't know the words? | Humbug|
18 Make money, Royal. | Mint Imperial |
19 Horse or water sport | Polo |
20 Scottish city sway | Edinburgh Rock|
21 Alcoholic tooth holders | Wine Gums |
22 Work outside of normal job | Moonlight |
23 Platter for the unweaned ? | Milk Tray |
24 English emblems | Roses |
25 Voodoo | Black Magic |
26 24 carat | All Gold |
27 Two more for a knockout | After Eight |
28 Dating Agency | Match Makers |
29 High Class Thoroughfare | Quality Street |
30 Shrunken Goodies | Miniature Heroes |
31 Cocoa Fasteners | chocolate buttons |
32 Top of the milk from a chicken | Cream Egg |


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